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एविवा आपको स्मार्ट रोजगार देती है। जो आपकी पर्सनालिटी को डिफाइन करती है इसमें काम करने के लिए चहेरे से सुन्दर
और मन से सुन्दर होना जरुरी है। झगड़ालू और लड़ाकू प्रवृति ब्यक्ति को एविवा सेलर से निष्काषित कर देती है। जो हमेशा ही मुस्कुराते
रहते और हसते रहते हैं। तो उनके लिए यह सही जगह है। तो रजिस्टर करने से पहले निम्नलिखित इन मुख्य चीज़ों का होना अनिवार्य है।
महिला है तो : -
Aveva gives you smart employment. To work in this which defines your personality, it is necessary to be beautiful with face and beautiful in mind. Fighting and combative tendencies get the person expelled from Aviva sellar. Who is always smiling and laughing. So this is the right place for them. So before registering it is mandatory to have the following key things. If a woman, then a scooty (if not, you will earn less by spending more time) black paint black shirt white belt white tie white shoe an android mobile a laptop a bag containing a laptop and some product samples can be keptIf it is a male then scooty or bike black paint purple shirt white belt white tie black shoe android mobile a laptop a black bag with flames and some product samples can be kept, your life is happy.
यदि न्यायालय में किसी भी प्रकार का आपराधिक क्रिमिनल मामला आपके उपर चल रहा है और यहाँ से व्यापार कर रहे हो तो सेलर सिस्टम खारिज कर दी जाएगी।
If any type of criminal criminal case is going on in the court against you and
doing business from here then seller system will be rejected.
आपका पहला दिन ट्राइल वर्जन होगाअपनी इच्छा अनुसार प्रोडक्टस केवल तीन प्रोडक्टस का
चुनाव करें एक एक दर्जन प्रोडक्टस 15% की छूट अथवा 20 % अथवा 40 % होलसेल दर पर अलग - अलग
प्रोडक्टस की छूट होलसेल दर अलग - अलग है। जिन्हे होलसेल दर खरीद कर रिटेल मूल्य पर पर बेचें मार्केट पेलेस
दुकान या घरों के अन्य स्थानों पर बिक्री ट्राइल वर्जन खरीदा गया प्रोडक्टस की वापसी नहीं है। प्रोडक्टस कैसे सेल करना है
मुफ्त ट्रनिंग आपको दी जाएगी।
Your first day will be the trial version
Select only three products as per your wish One dozen products 15%
discount or 20% or 40% discount on different products Wholesale rate
is different. Those who are bought at wholesale rate and sold at retail
price, sale at market, payless, shop or other places of homes Trial version
is not a return of the purchased products. You will be given free training on
how to sell products?
ट्रायल वर्जन समाप्त होने के बाद सेलर तीन दिनों का स्टॉक प्रोडक्टस खरीद कर सभी प्रोडक्टस को दो दिनों के भीतर बेचने का प्रयास करें पर आप दुकानदारों को प्रोडक्टस
नहीं बेचे इसलिए की आप मर्चेन्डाइजर नहीं हो। सेलर एक्सपीरियंस के बाद ही आप मर्चेन्डाइजर बन सकेंगे। आप फ़ास्ट बिक्री करें क्योँकि आपकी सेल्लिंग सिस्टम की शुरुआत हो चुकी है।
After the trial version is over, sellers try to sell all the products within two days
by buying three days' stock products, but you do not sell the products to the shopkeepers because
you are not a merchandiser. You will be able to become a merchandiser only after seller experience.
You sell fast because your selling system has been started.
If the seller has fulfilled completed the first and second stage, then the system is this (Bitoni) process, this is the third system of strong selling process achieve to buy for 1 week products which seller wants for fast earning upgrade. Will have to be soldered out by fast method, if not able to do so then the selling discounted 17% of those products to sell market places or home other places in full M.R.P for sale products is no return non refundable and can be exchangeable. If it is sealed pack then the condition of the box is type of previous fine.
If you are from a out of district, then in such a situation, you can pick up any one product or all the products according to you, for a week’s stock or for 15 days stock you will be able to work in all wholes price 18 % discount style of selling trading will be provided in your district In which you will be able to sell goods through online mode as well available for you with home delivery will your setup to manage. To sell market places or home other places in full M.R.P for sale products is no return non refundable and can be exchangeable. If it is sealed pack then the condition of the box is type of previous fine.
Training will be give on how to sell products? selected products, with questions of negative and positive thinking, then you will be able to sell products better, you will be able to sell more goods in very less time, you will be able to earn more, any one product will be trained only once with diary maintenance.
Can't sell the product of any other company's products by including it in the bag. If you want to sell the goods of another company, then you can sell it by taking a separate time for it. If you sell by putting it in the bag, then the seller system will be directly dismissed.
Before buying and selling products, it is necessary and compulsory that you see Expiry Date, if it is Expiry Date, do not buy and sell.
If your only blood relation becomes a seller on every 2 dozen products achievements under 15% discount you will continue to get only 1 same packet's product as a free gift for life time earn by selling if you want.
After becoming a Morgent seller, selling after one lack you will be provide on the seller card with uniform by Aveva. Look the uniform approximate price is 17,000/- above.
You will be able to sell the product both offline and online, it is up to the customer, ask how he wants to buy the products.
1. Give products hand to hand take cash to cash
2. If the customer done online booking to product delivered after two days it is up to the customer wants same day same day delivery. if product available.
Any such seller who has taken offline money from the customer in the name of giving the products and is still sitting silent with the take money is missing, because of which the customer thinks Aveva is guilty, it is a defame of DDS Market, so that seller is illegal guilty. Will DDS Market does not take responsibility for returning the money to the customer, in such a situation DDS Market will be with the customer, that seller will be dismissed from seller system.
Every Thursday work till 1:00 pm Hotel lunch at 2:00 pm If the picture palce cinema is activate a movie ticket will be available for you, it is relaxation for free tension worth your health, Available from Aveva online .
Eligibility to become a Seller At least matriculation and a laptop and android mobile black bag (Purple shirt) (Black pant) (White tie) (Black shoe) is mandatory without uniform selling you are not allowed. you could be dismissed to seller designation.
If your sale goes nil within a month automatic seller system disable.
Women eligibility to become a girl & women seller At least matriculation and a laptop and android mobile black bag (Black shirt) (Black pant) both same pice cloth no fade (White tie) (Black shoe) is mandatory without uniform selling you are not allowed. you could be dismissed to seller designation.
Terms & condition can be modified as per requirement for improved selling process development of Aveva online.